The territory of the modern region of Normandy mostly corresponds to the boundaries of the old Duchy of Normandy, so rich in history. These days Normandy is both a green and blue region. Port activity in Normandy is booming and relies on the region’s agricultural assets. It is a popular tourist destination thanks to its nature and landscapes as well as its historical sites such as the Mont-Saint-Michel and the D-Day beaches, where Allied troops landed on 6 June 1944. Normandy’s industry is at the forefront of technology (cars, aeronautics, pharmaceuticals, renewable energy). This puts the region in a strong position to provide jobs in the future for the 25% of its population under 20 years of age, and to meet the needs of the 25% of its population aged over 60 (home automation, remote assistance systems).
Examples of projects and initiatives supported by the EU
Normandy for Peace
Normandie incubation
Reinforce job seekers' competences
Normandy and trans-border cooperation
Digital access in Normandy's rural zones
- Further information
Europe is a key player in Normandy, http://www.europe-en-normandie.eu/
Europe Direct Information Centres in France, https://france.representation.ec.europa.eu/points-de-contact-en-france_fr
European Parliament Liaison Office in France, https://paris.europarl.europa.eu/fr
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service, http://www.epthinktank.eu/