Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
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Nouvelle-Aquitaine is the largest region in France. Sandwiched between the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the foothills of the Massif Central to the east, it is mainly made up of vast plains and low plateaus. The region’s six million inhabitants can primarily be found beside the 720 km coastline and along the main communication routes (Bordeaux-Toulouse, Biarritz-Pau, Royan-Angoulême and La Rochelle-Poitiers). A predominantly rural region, Nouvelle-Aquitaine has a dynamic economy with the third highest gross domestic product in France (7% of total French GDP). It is France’s most important agricultural region. Furthermore, compared to other regions, Nouvelle-Aquitaine is less affected by social hardships: the unemployment rate (7.8%) is slightly below the national average. Around 14% of its residents live below the poverty line, compared to 15% nationally.
- Further information
Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, https://www.nouvelle-aquitaine.fr/
Europe Direct Information Centres in France, http://www.europedirectfrance.eu/
European Parliament Liaison Office in France, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/france
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service, http://www.epthinktank.eu/