The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is a city-state and, with its area of 755 square kilometres, the second smallest German federal state. Hamburg also includes the North Sea islands of Neuwerk, Scharhörn and Nigehörn in the Hamburg Wadden Sea, which has been designated as a National Park and has been part of UNESCO’s World Natural Heritage since 2011. From an economic point of view, Hamburg is the leading shipping and logistics centre in northern Europe and, after Toulouse, the main centre of the European civil aviation industry. However, the unemployment rate is 6.2%. Two ways in which the federal state of Hamburg represents its interests in the EU are through the European Committee of the Regions and by means of Hamburg’s two Members of the European Parliament.
- Further information
Representation of the Länder of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein to the EU , http://www.hanse-office.de/
Local action by the European Union in Hamburg , https://ec.europa.eu/germany/business-funding/Hamburg_de
European Parliament Liaison Office in Germany , http://www.europarl.europa.eu/germany
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service , http://www.epthinktank.eu/