Lower Saxony, Germany
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Lower Saxony has a strong farming tradition. As the second largest sector of its economy, after the automotive industry, agriculture and food production therefore play an important role in the state. Lower Saxony is a leader in renewable energies, especially wind power and biomass energy. The state maintains partnerships with the Haute-Normandie region in France, numerous Dutch cities and the voivodships of Greater Poland and Lower Silesia. Lower Saxony is represented at EU level by 10 Members of the European Parliament and its representation office in Brussels.
- Further information
What Europe does for me in Lower Saxony , http://www.ec.europa.eu/germany/content/europa-vor-ort-niedersachsen_de
Representation of Lower Saxony at the EU , http://www.mb.niedersachsen.de/wir_ueber_uns/landesvertretung_bei_eu_bruessel/
European Parliament | Liaison Office in Germany , http://www.europarl.europa.eu/germany
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service , http://www.epthinktank.eu/